Friday, June 7, 2013

Psi Ball FAQ


1.) Have you ever created a visible one?

Yes. It's NEVER happened when I tried to make one, it's only happened when I didn't specifically say "This one is gonna be visible." So don't try to make a visible one and don't get hung up over it... it'll happen naturally!
2.)What exactly is a psi ball supposed to look like?

It doesn't have to look like anything. I've seen shinny dots (like when you hit your head, looks kinda like glitter) and blue wavy snake things. That's personally. Other people that have e-mailed me have said they've seen sparks, the snake things, and fog balls (no, not frog balls ).

3.)If I make them can the ones I make be visible to other people?

I'm not sure. I've made visible ones that I could see but no one was around to ask their opinion. I have had e-mails of friends seeing each-others psi balls, so it's quite possible. If I were to make an educated guess, I'd say some are visible to everyone, and some are visible to people who are into aura vision.

4.)Are they supposed to be really bright and can they light up the room?

I've never heard of them being bright enough to light up a room or anything, but I believe it's possible. People have told me it's easier to see them in the dark - maybe because theirs emitted light rather than reflecting it... I don't know.

5.)How do you see a psi ball?

The same way you see a baseball or a basketball. You just look at it. At least, that's all I've done.

6.)How long does it take for you to get a visible psi ball?

It takes me about 1 or 2 minutes to make a psi ball that's visible. But I can't go into it thinking I want a visible one. I usually spend 1 or 2 minutes on every psi ball, and some are just visible. I don't think time period matters as much as the effort/emotion behind it. This one guy said he could make visible psi balls like crazy when he was excited and hyper. Different emotions cause different things so it's always hard to judge how long something takes.

7.)Do you have real pictures of psi balls?

9.)Is it at all possible to colorize your psi ball or make it visible to others?

I'm not sure if it's possible to colorize your psi ball. I believe it is, but I have no real proof. The only colors I've seen are blue and white. Blue snakes and white stars (yellow moons and green clovers sorry, I couldn't resist!).

10.)Is it possible to see psi balls without learning aura-vision first?

Yes. I can't see auras willfully and I've seen my psi balls. I don't know if it was spontaneous aura vision, but I haven't learned aura vision and have seen psi balls.


In conclusion, don't get all hung up if you don't see your psi balls. It's not a big deal as long as you can feel them. If you want to see them so you can show other people, rethink your motive. Why do you want to show other people, to make them believe? Let them believe what they want. If you want to make a visible one to prove to yourself that they exist, forget it. You already know they exist so move on...


1.) Am I imagining the correct thing?

You can imagine ANYTHING you want! It doesn't have to be one specific thing for it to work. As long as it is defined as "energy" in your mind, then it'll work. For example, if I say "car" then what do you imagine? Maybe a Dodge Viper, maybe a Ford Model-T, maybe a ton of other things - get my point? If I say "energy" you can imagine whatever... personally, I think of energy as electricity or smoke. But you can imagine water, butterflies, marbles, spheres, wind, fire... WHATEVER! As long as it's "energy" in your mind, it doesn't matter what you visualize.

2.) I can't visualize/feel all that "energy" stuff that you're supposed to; advice?

You may not be able to feel it, that'll come with practice, but you can visualize it. As I said in the last question, just imagine whatever you want.

3.) What do I visualize?

Anything you want. I can tell you what I visualize so maybe you can get an idea though. First I imagine myself standing on the earth and all the energy from inside the earth is rushing up and through my legs. Then as the energy comes through my body I direct it out through my arms. I visualize it swirling around my arms and going into my hands where the psi ball is. Inside the psi ball, I imagine the energy spinning really fast and as I add energy, it gets denser and denser. That works for me; make up your own thing and it'll work too with practice.

4.) What is visualization?

Visualization is basically imagining something - kinda like pretending. If I tell you a story, you can imagine what's happening in your head, this is nearly the same thing. Just focus your whole mind on the task and don't get distracted.


In conclusion, don't think there is a specific thing for you to think for this to work. Every psychic has their own method. Make your own and don't worry about if it's "correct" or anything - if it works then it works, who cares what other people do. Just some tips though, when you are visualizing something, try to use as many senses as possible. For example, when I visualize the energy rushing/spiraling down my arms, I "hear" a WOOSH sound and I "feel" the energy going over my arms. I don't really hear it, and I usually don't really feel it (I do more now than before) but it helps make it more solid.


1.) How do you throw psi balls?

It's real easy to throw them, the only hard part making sure the energy stays in ball-form and not just fly all over the place. Keep your concentration, let it go with your hands, and direct it through visualization. Basically, you just think "the ball is there, now it's there, now it's there" and move it around the room that way. I've never done it with a visible psi ball, so I don't know if it really is doing what I'm telling it to do, put when I direct it back into my hands I can feel it again. That's my method, I'm sure there are others...

2.) Do you throw it physically or mentally?

You can throw it physically if it makes you feel good but it's all mental.

3.) If you throw them at someone can they feel it too?

Yes - but to a degree. I've tried to get my mom and dad to feel my psi ball once (before I learned to be quiet Smile) - my mom said she thought she felt something... my dad was against the idea. I think it depends a lot on the psi ball. Certain one's, yes, I believe people will feel it. One of my friends e-mailed me and said he can send psi balls to other people. If he sends it fast, it stings more, but if he sends it a little slower, they feel a tickle.


In conclusion, the only times I've thrown a psi ball was when I was alone. I just direct them through the room and back into my hands where I would feel it. It's really easy... I never read anything about it, I just did it. If there are other opinions out there, e-mail me.

Energy Sources

1.) Are there any other power sources you could recommend for me and what you would visualize?

I use the Earth, it works for me... You can try the Sun, the Moon, crowds of people, a single person... anything. I like the Earth because it's so big - you know it has enough energy for you. Plus it's always close Smile! It doesn't matter what source you use when it comes to drawing energy from it - just visualize!

2.) What am I getting the energy from on Earth?

Whatever you want... I "suck" it from the core and direct it into my body.

3.) How do you gather energy?

This is how I do it:

  • Imagine the source (ex: the Earth)
  • Imagine you
  • Imagine the energy coming from your source and flowing into your body
  • Imagine the energy entering your body doing whatever (making a shield, creating a psi ball... whatever)
That's all I do. Just some tips - let the energy fffllloooooooowwwww... don't force it anywhere, always DIRECT and let it move on it's own. It's kinda like dancing. You don't TRY to dance and you look like a fool when you force it - you just gotta go with it!

4.) How do you draw energy from a source, what exactly do you do?

Drawing energy is basically just visualizing the energy moving from the source into your body. That's all I do...


Remember - imagine source, imagine you, imagine energy moving. Don't force it and don't try to control it. You can use anything for a source... just make sure you have it's permission .


1.)Do you flex your arm muscles when you make them?

Nope. I've heard of this method before... where do you guys get this information from? I'd like to see the site or book. I've also heard of rubbing your hands together for 30 seconds or something... I prefer to stick to mental stuff and leave the physical stuff out of it. It's always fun trying different things... personally, I don't flex my arm muscles or rub my hands together.

2.)Do you simply relax your whole body?

Sometimes. Sometimes I do it after deep relaxation, sometimes I do it when I feel energized. Mood affects the psi ball; being relaxed creates one kind of psi ball. Of course, with practice, you can make yourself feel a certain way. Then you can create excited psi balls being in a relaxed mood. I'm kinda close to that but I got some work to do ...

3.)What level of concentration should you be?

Of course a scattered mind won't be able to focus the energy... you should be concentrated on making the psi ball and that's it. Like I said, mood affects the psi ball - a wandering mind will make the energy wander (in a sense Smile) and it won't be focused into one area. A focused mind will create a focused psi ball...

4.) Do you have "off days" or what?

Yup. Some days I try to create a psi ball and just totally screw up and can't get anywhere. Just like baseball players sometimes strike out every time in a game, we sometimes "strike out" when making psi balls. Don't worry... it's nothing major. Get worried when you have an "off month" or an "off year" Smile.


Mood affects the psi ball. If you're having a bad day, you'll be in a crappy mood most likely and you'll make a crappy psi ball. Don't think you just lost all your hard work... it'll come back once you start feeling better.

How do you...

1.) How do you compress a psi ball?

Visualize it getting smaller... but not weaker. Imagine it getting denser. I usually don't compress the psi ball that much, when I add energy to it I just shove it in the small area and don't even think about making the psi ball bigger. Therefore, it gets denser without me having to do extra work.

2.) How do you put more energy into a psi ball?

Keep absorbing energy and keep directing it into your hands. Some people move their hands further apart and make it bigger, then compress it down, some just make it denser. Do whatever you like...

3.) How do you get the energy to flow?

Think of it floating or dancing, or visualize a waterfall or a stream. Just don't force it. Relax and let it happen. Let go. Work with the energy instead of making the energy work for you.

4.) How do you maintain a psi ball?

Maintain concentration. You can also put an energy barrier around it - to seal it in. Then you can let it go and it should stay intact as long as the barrier holds.

5.) How do I get the energy from my body into my hands?

Visualize it moving and coming out of your hands. It depends how you absorb it too... if you think of yourself as a container - holding the energy inside of you - you have to make an opening at your hands. If you think of the energy flowing around you (that's what I do) then you just direct it around your body and have it gather in your hands.


Visualize, concentrate, and let it flow. Pretty good summary, huh Smile?

Time Periods

1.) Is there any certain age to start?

Generally speaking, no. I personally think anyone younger than 14 or so should focus on just being a kid and having fun... Some people don't have that option though.

2.) How long does it take for you to get an actual psi ball?

I can make a weak one in half a second. Usually I spend 1 or 2 minutes on a single psi ball... I have spent over an hour on a couple just to see how powerful I could make it.

3.) How long should it take to actually feel the intenseness of the ball?

It took me about 3 days of hard-core practicing before I felt something. But it wasn't like a switch, boom, I felt something. It was gradual. But that's me... it could take 2 months for you or 2 seconds. It varies a lot...

4.) How long each day should you practice making them?

As long as you want. If you want to be really good, practice a lot. If you want to be ok, practice some. And if you want to be just familiar with it, practice a little.


I used to (and still do) get hung up on "how long should this take." Just forget it... who cares. It takes however long it'll take. That's usually the rule Smile.


1.) When you're gathering energy, do you feel (in you're hand) two magnetic forces pushing each other?

Sometimes. I've felt a lot of different things. I theorize it depends on my mood and how long I spend on it and my level of concentration... there are a lot of things you can feel.

2.) Blah blah blah - is this normal?

Who cares! None of this stuff is normal! So why compare yourself to everyone else... it happens to you. Who cares if everyone or no one else has the same thing happen.

3.) My hands are burning a little; does that happen to you?

Hehe, yes. I've heard of people getting blisters because of psi balls. Know your limits and if you think you're getting blisters - stop for a minute Smile!

4.) What do psi balls feel like?

Usually I feel heat. That's about 90% of the time. I have felt coldness, pulling of my fingers, and a cool breeze. This isn't "feeling" either - this is real feeling. I actually feel my hands get hot. I've felt my fingers getting pulled. That's me... others may feel different things...


Many people feel different things. Don't compare yourself to others - trust and learn from your feelings. Don't be stupid and get blisters either Smile...


1.) Should I ground before making one?

Do what you want - try both ways and see what works best for you. There is no set of rules... it's all personal.

2.) Do you ground before you work with energy?

Nope. Sometimes I ground after I work with energy just to balance out. Usually I don't ground at all - it's fun feeling energy inside of you!

3.) Do you center a lot?

It helps when you're in a little trouble, but I don't do it that often. A lot believe it helps you if you do it before you start - I notice no difference on me, maybe I'm not doing it right...?

Psi Balls and Other Objects

1.) Can psi balls actually affect physical objects?

Psi balls are just energy... of course they can affect physical objects.

2.) Can you knock over a pencil two feet away just by using a psi ball?

Sure thing. I haven't but you can. Definitely. Actually, one person who e-mailed me said they knocked over a Coke bottle with one. Look under the Kinesis' section for more information - specifically, telekinesis.

3.) What do they do when they hit an object?

They do whatever you intended them to do. They can change a persons mood or move an object or do whatever. It's energy for goodness sakes Smile!

4.) Do they ever cause electronic interference?

Some do, some don't. Usually more powerful ones do if they aren't programmed otherwise.

5.) Can you make them so powerful that they turn into fire or electricity or even sound?

I believe it's possible but it would have to be really powerful.

6.) Can you use them as a weapon like in DBZ (Dragon Ball Z)?

I don't recommend using them as weapons. As for cartoons... they are just that. Cartoons.

7.) Are those psi balls dangerous at all?

They can be but don't be afraid of them. I've heard of people getting blisters from super-hot ones. If you're smart, you won't get hurt - unless someone attacks you. It's been known to happen to random people, but usually only to people who, shall we say, "ask for it". Be smart.


1.) How can I keep my mind from wandering?

Practice. Every time you catch yourself wandering, gently bring yourself back to your focus. In time you'll get better...

2.) What can you do with them (besides playing)?

Anything you want. Generally speaking, they're used just to get better with energy control so you can move onto other skills. Complex psi balls (or "constructs") can be programmed to do amazing tasks.

3.) Are you pulling people's legs?

Nope, but thanks for not assuming Smile!

4.) Do you know of any good links about psi balls?

The only site I've seen pertaining to psi balls is - if there are others out there, please let me know and I'll put them in the "Links" section (

~Sean (aka Peebrain)(psipog)

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