Lots of people have questions on psiballs and one of the popular ones is about throwing psiballs or sending them to people. There are many ways to do this, but this article will show you how to do it with a little Visualization and Programming! Before you throw a psiball you should be able to make one and shell it efficiently.
There's a game I play with GreatSheepKing, Evan, and other people called "Pass the Construct". What you do is you make a psi shape such as: Sphere, Cube, Pyramid or a Cylinder (Sometimes you can add feeling but lets keep it simple). And then you send it to the person's hand. You may ask, "How do you send a construct so far", well the answer is simple: PROGRAMMING. I've sent psiballs all over the place, around my house, around my state or even all around the US. So lets say you make a sphere and you are sending it to someone in their left hand here's what you do.
First of all you need to make your good solid psiball. Then when you are making it you need to add a little bit of programming. Program the psiball to go to whoever's left hand and then make the shell do the same thing and also program it to protect the psiball. It helps some people when they are programming the shell to protect the psiball to do it for some time duration like 5 minutes. If that's what you need to do then do it. Then all you have to do is let it go and it should "fly" to the person's left hand. The person should receive it and should be able to tell you what it is. Sending constructs can be useful for more then just games; I've sent constructs to people to get other constructs off of them and other things. Sounds easy enough right ? Let's get on to throwing it.
Throwing a psiball is a lot like send it the only difference is that you are actually trying to hit a spot (like a head or a chair) instead of going to or landing on someone's hand. You still program it you just need another useful tool: VISUALIZATION. For most people visualization isn't hard but for some it is. I will show you two ways of throwing a psiball the first one will be with very little visualization and the second with more visualization.
Ok so now that you got sending down you can start throwing. Once again make your good solid psiball and get ready to program it. Let's say you going to hit someone's stomach. Program it to hit the person's stomach and while programming this, visualize a stomach (I usually just visualize a gray one) and then visualize a psiball hitting that that stomach over and over keep repeating it in your mind. Then program your shell to hit the person's stomach and protect the psiball (like you did for sending). Then let go and it should go "fly" and hit the person stomach. Well that works for some people but other people, me being one of them, have bad aim. One way I found out that helps is to arch your path. This involves a little more visualization but it's not too hard so don't worry.
So make your solid psiball, program it to go to the person stomach just like you did when you were throwing it the first time. Here's where it gets different. Now you have to do some guiding visualization to guide the psiball to the stomach. Visualize a psiball going in an arched path (like a rainbow) to the target in this case the stomach. Keep do this over and over, make the shell, and while you are making the shell keep the visualization up. Now it's time to let it go, this is where the visualization is really needed. While you are doing it let go of the psiball guide the psiball up the path of the arch and directly to the person stomach. This should help your aim out some if it doesn't try your own methods; these are helpful to some people and not to others.
You should try both of the methods here just because the first one doesn't always work well for some people doesn't mean it won't work well for you and vice versa. Experiment with things; you could even tweak these methods up a bit to better fit your needs. This may not work for you on the first or second time but be patient and give it a chance. If you practice with these methods for a while and it doesn't work for you then move on and try a different method or visualization. Just keep practicing .
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